Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Favorite Photographer: Ruth Orkin

The Comic Book Readers  -  Ruth Orkin
It is great when you stumble across something, or someone, utterly inspiring. Ruth Orkin (1921-1985) was a renowned photojournalist and filmmaker who proved in a difficult time that the world is open for us to discover and learn from. She grew up in Hollywood, but worked everywhere in the USA, especially New York, as well as in Europe and Israel. Her film "The Little Fugitive" was nominated for an Academy Award in 1953 and some of her well-known photography projects include "American Girl in Italy" and "A World Through My Window". She captured what she thought was important in the moment and made everyday characters look magical, interesting and intriguing. 

Jinx in Goggles, Florence  -  Ruth Orkin

"Being a photographer is making people look at what I want them to look at."
- Ruth Orkin

Still from her 1953 film, The Little Fugitive
"To be a photojournalist takes experience, skill, endurence, energy, salesmanship, organization, wheedling, climbing, gatecrashing, etc. – plus an eye and patience."
- Ruth Orkin

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